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About The Blog

Why "big" road trips?

When Jerry was in high school, his parents took 2 "big" road trips.  During these trips they toured South Dakota, the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Canyon, and other sites across the country.
In 2014 Jerry and Jennifer were teachers.  They wanted to go on vacation but didn't have a lot of money.  They decided to take a "big" road trip.  To save money they kept to their usual food budget and found free camping spots.  The only costs were gas money and a National Park Annual Pass.  The trip was a success.
They now take a "big" road trip every change they get.  And have encouraged their friends to do the same.  This blog is about their and their friends adventures.
After all, it's just another 5,0000 miles or so.

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